TASK 1: 饼图,students’ satisfaction on three facilities
TASK 2:Some people think young people are not suitable for important positions in the government,while other people think it is a good idea for young people to take on these positions. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
TASK 1: 表格组合图
TASK 2:As life expectancy is increasing,people work after retirement with pay. Alternatively some people start to work at a young age. Are these positive or negative impacts?
课程名称 | 学习目标 | 班级特色 | |
雅思考前点题班(周末) | 雅思6.5分 | 教辅全程跟进服务升级 | 报名 |
雅思基础VIP1V1课程 | 个人定制 | 针对个人量身定制课程 | 报名 |
雅思5.5分钻石小班 | 雅思5.5分 | 夯实基础综合提高 | 报名 |
托福考前点题班 | 冲刺90分以上 | TPO刷题与点评 | 报名 |
托福基础VIP1V1课程 | 托福总分60分 | 量身定制学习计划 | 报名 |
托福预备班 | 提升词汇量 | 打好基础全面提高 | 报名 |