2月26日,英国QS公司发布了的最新QS世界大学学科排名,这个排名源于2011年,QS将其世界大学的排名扩展至30门独立学科的排名。该学科 排名的方法论为四大排名标准调整了权重,充分考虑了各个学科间的差异。这些排名基于学术引用,以及来自全球90,000多名学术及雇主单位的名誉调查。以 下是教育学的全球高校排名:
1 |
Institute of Education, University of London |
2 |
The University of Melbourne |
3 |
Harvard University |
4 |
University of Cambridge |
5 |
Stanford University |
6 |
Monash University |
7 |
University of Oxford |
8 |
The University of Sydney |
9 |
University of Toronto |
10 |
The University of Queensland |
11 |
Columbia University |
12 |
University of California, Berkeley (UCB) |
13 |
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) |
14 |
Nanyang Technological University (NTU) |
15 |
University of Wisconsin-Madison |
16 |
University of Hong Kong |
17 |
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
18 |
University of Edinburgh |
19 |
King's College London (KCL) |
20 |
University of Michigan |