大学名称和排序 |
本科申请截止日期 |
1 Harvard University |
Early Action截止日期 |
Regular Decision 截止日期 |
1 Princeton University |
Early Action截止日期 |
Regular Decision 截止日期 |
普林斯顿国际学生参加SAT和SAT subject的最晚时间为12月。 |
3 Yale University |
Early Action截止日期 |
Regular Decision 截止日期 |
4 Columbia University |
Early Decision截止日期 |
Regular Decision 截止日期 |
4 The University of Chicago |
Early Action截止日期 |
Regular Decision 截止日期 |
6. Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
申请截止日期为 |
奖学金申请截止日期为 |
录取结果通知时间为3月底 |
6 Stanford University |
Early Action截止日期1为 |
Regular Decision 截止日期为 |
8 Duke University |
Common Application的Early Decision的截止日期是 |
8 University of Pennsylvania |
Early Decision的截止日期是 |
regular Decision的截止日期为 |
10 California Institute of Technology |
Early Action截止日期 |
Regular Decision 截止日期 |
10 Dartmouth College |
Early Decision截止日期为 |
Regular Decision 截止日期为 |
12 Northwestern University |
Early Decision截止日期为 |
Regular Decision 截止日期为 |
13 Johns Hopkins University |
Early Decision截止日期为 |
Regular Decision 截止日期为 |
14 Washington University in St Louis |
Early Decision截止日期为 |
Regular Decision 截止日期为 |
15 Brown University |
Early Decision截止日期为 |
Regular Decision 截止日期为 |
15 Cornell University |
Early Decision和奖学金截止日期为 |
Regular Decision 截止日期为 |
17 Rice University |
Early Decision截止日期为 |
医学院要求Common Application申请截止日期为 |
音乐学院要求 |
Regular Decision截止日期 |
17 University of Notre Dame |
Early Action截止日期 |
Regular Decision 截止日期 |
17 Vanderbilt University |
Early Action(第一批)截止日期 |
Early Action(第二批)截止日期 |
Regular Decision 截止日期 |
20 Emory University |
Early Action(第一批)截止日期 |
Early Action(第二批)截止日期 |
Regular Decision 截止日期 |
21 Georgetown University |
Early Action截止日期 |
Regular Decision 截止日期 |
21 University of California Berkeley |
申请截止日期 |
23 Carnegie Mellon University |
Early Decision 截止日期 |
Regular Decision 和Early Admission截止日期 |
24 University of California Los Angeles |
不接受Early Decision申请,普通申请将在 |
24 University of Southern California |
(2014年申请截止时间还没更新,所以请大家参考一下2013学年)奖学金申请截止日期为 |
24 University of Virginia |
艺术和建筑Early Action截止日期 |
Early Action截止日期为 |
Regular Decision截止日期 为 |
27 Wake Forest University |
Early Decision 截止日期为 |
奖学金申请截止日期为 |
Regular Decision截止日期为 |
28 Tufts University |
Early Decision(第一批)截止日期为 |
Early Decision(第二批)截止日期为 |
Regular Decision 截止日期为 |
29 University of Michigan Ann Arbor |
Early Action截止日期为 |
Regular Decision(秋季学期)截止日期为 |
30 the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill |
Early Action截止日期为 |
Regular Decision 截止日期为 |
31 Boston College |
(2014年申请截止时间还没更新,所以请大家参考一下2012至2013学年) |
Early Action截止日期为 |
Regular Decision(秋季学期) 截止日期为 |
32 New York University(NYU) |
Early Decision(第一批)截止日期为 |
Early Decision(第二批)截止日期为 |
Regular Decision截止日期为 |
33 Brandeis University |
Early Decision(第一批)截止日期为 |
Early Decision(第二批)截止日期为 |
Regular Decision截止日期为 |
33 College of William and Mary |
2013至2014学年的申请截止日期尚未公布,请参看2012-2013学年 |
Early Decision截止日期为 |
Regular Decision截止日期 |
33 University of Rochester |
Early Decision截止日期为 |
Regular Decision 截止日期为 |
36 Georgia Institute of Technology |
Early Action截止日期为 |
Regular Decision 截止日期为 |
37 Case Western Reserve University |
Early Action截止日期为 |
Regular Decision 截止日期为 |
38 Lehigh University |
Early Decision(第一批)截止日期为 |
Early Decision(第二批)截止日期为 |
Regular Decision截止日期 |
38 University of California Davis |
申请截止日期为 |
38 University of California San Diego |
申请截止日期为 |
41 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute |
Early Decision(第一批)截止日期为 |
法学、医学项目申请截止日期为 |
Early Decision(第二批)截止日期为 |
Regular Decision截止日期为 |
41 University of California Santa Barbara |
41 University of Wisconsin Madison |
第一批秋季Notification申请截止日期为 |
第二批秋季Notification申请截止日期为 |
春季学期申请截止日期为 |
44 University of California Irvine加州大学欧文分校 |
44 University of Miami |
Early Decision申请截止日期为 |
Early Action申请截止日期为 |
Regular Decision申请截止日期为 |
46 Pennsylvania State University |
大多数专业和项目夏季和秋季学期申请在 |
46 University of Illinois Urbana Champaign |
46 University of Texas at Austin |
夏季和秋季学期 |
46 University of Washington华 |
46 Yeshiva University |
秋季学期: |
春季学期: |
51 Boston University |
Early Decision 申请截止日期为 |
51 The George Washington University |
Early Decision(第一批)申请截止日期为 |
Early Decision(第二批)申请截止日期为 |
51 Tulane University |
Early Action和Single Choice Early Action申请截止日期为 |
Regular Decision申请截止日期为 |
国际 |
学生的Need based的助学金申请在 |
54 Pepperdine University |
秋季学期申请截止日期 |
春季学期申请截止日期 |
54 University of Florida |
2014到2015学年可以申请的时间为 |
56 Northeastern University |
Early Action申请截止日期为 |
Regular Decision申请截止日期为 |
56 The Ohio State University,Columbus |
Early Action申请截止日期为 |
58 Fordham University |
Early Action申请截止日期为 |
Regular Decision申请截止日期为 |
58 Southern Methodist University |
Early Action申请截止日期为 |
Early Decision申请截止日期为 |
Early Decision(第二阶段)申请截止日期为 |
Regular Decision申请截止日期为 |
58 Syracuse University |
Early Decision申请截止日期为 |
Regular Decision申请截止日期为 |
58 University of Maryland College Park |
提前录取(此处为priority application)申请截止日期为 |
Regular Decision申请截止日期为 |
58 The University of Pittsburgh |
全年滚动申请,没有截止日期,也就是说适合哪个学期,就录取到哪个学期。 |
63 University of Connecticut康 |
Storrs校区申请截止日期 |
Regional 校区申请截止日期 |
63 The University of Georgia佐 |
Early Action申请截止日期 |
想要申请Merit奖学金Regular Decision申请截止日期 |
Regular Decision申请截止日期为 |
65 Purdue University,West Lafayette |
Early Action申请截止日期 |
Regular Decision申请截止日期 |
65 Texas A&M University |
申请截止日期为 |
65 Worcester Polytechnic Institute |
Early Action(第一轮)申请截止日期 |
Early Action(第二轮)申请截止日期 |
Regular Decision申请截止日期 |
68 Brigham Young University Provo |
优先录取申请截止日期为 |
普通录取申请截止日期为 |
68Clemson University |
如果在 |
秋季学期正式截止日期为 |
68 Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey New Brunswick |
2014到2015学年申请时间尚未发布,请各位参考2013到2014学年录取时间。 |
Early Action申请截止日期为 |
Regular Action申请截止时间为 |
68 University of Minnesota Twin Cities |
Priority Admission(优先录取)申请截止日期为 |
奖学金申请截止日期为 |
72 Michigan State University |
申请奖学金的同学需要在 |
密歇根州立大学也采取滚动录取的形式,申请提交十二周后,就会收到学校录取与否的通知。 |
72 The University of Iowa |
申请截止日期 |
72 Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University |
Early Decision申请截止时间为 |
Regular Decision申请截止时间为 |
75 Stevens Institute of Technology |
斯蒂文斯理工学院采取滚动申请。 |
75 University of Delaware |
申请截止日期为 |
77 American University |
Early Decision(第一批)申请截止时间为 |
77 Baylor University |
Early Action(single choice和非Singlechoice)申请截止时间为 |
Regular Admission申请截止时间为 |
77 Colorado School of Mines |
申请截止日期为 |
77 SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry |
2014到2015学年申请时间尚未公布,参考2013年到2014学年的申请时间 |
Early Decision 申请截止日期为 |
Regular Decision申请截止日期为 |
如果名额仍有空缺,截止日期之后递交的申请也会被考虑。 |
77 The University of Alabama |
优先录取截止时间为 |
77 University of California Santa Cruz |
申请截止日期 |
SAT考试最晚不晚于 |
83 Clark University |
Early Action 申请截止日期为 |
Regular Decision申请截止日期为 |
83 Drexel University |
Early Action (第一批)申请截止日期为 |
Early Action(第二批) 申请截止日期为 |
Regular Decision申请截止日期为 |
83 Indiana University, Bloomington |
在 |
83 Marquette University |
申请截止日期为 |
1月中旬到3月底通知录取结果。 |
83 University of Denver |
Early Action申请截止日期为 |
Regular Decision申请截止日期为 |
83 University of Tulsa |
Early Action 录取申请需要在 |
在 |
89 Auburn University |
2014到2015学年申请和截止时间尚未发布。参考2013年申请和录取截止时间。 |
夏季和秋季学期申请截止日期为 |
春季学期申请截止日期为 |
89 Binghamton University SUNY |
申请截止日期为 |
89 Miami University,Oxford迈阿 |
春季学期申请截止日期为 |
秋季学期申请截止日期为 |
92 Saint Louis University |
在 |
92 Stony Brook University SUNY |
优先申请截止日期为 |
92 Texas Christian University |
Early Action申请截止日期为 |
Early Decision申请截止日期为 |
最终申请截止日期为 |
92 University of San Diego |
秋季学期申请截止日期为 |
春季学期申请截止日期为 |
92 The University of Vermont |
Early Action申请截止日期为 |
Regular Notification申请截止日期为 |
97 Florida State University |
97 University of Colorado Boulder |
Early Action申请截止日期为 |
Regular Decision申请截止, 日期为 |
春季学期申请截止日期为 |
97 University of Massachusetts Amherst |
Early Action申请截止日期为 |
春季学期申请截止日期为 |
97 University of Missouri |
优先申请截止日期为 |