Home Secretary announces further improvements to theUK visa system
The Home Secretary last week announced furthermeasures to improve the UK’s visa service, which will help the UK to stay aheadin a competitive marketplace. Further moves to streamline visa processeswith Schengen in China, and a package of changes to the transit visa systemlook set to increase the number of high value foreign nationals visiting andtransiting through the UK. A summary of the announcements is as follows:
Changes to thetransit regime:
In the coming months a package of measures will be introduced that will make it easier for more passengers to transit airside through the UK without a visa.
These changes will allow more people to use an exemption document, such as a valid US visa, to transit through the UK rather than having to obtain a UK transit visa.
Up to 6 million holders of Australian, Canadian, New Zealand and US visas from China alone could benefit from this change and use the UK to transit visa-free.
Irish biometric visas will also be added to the list of exemption documents which can be used for transit, and on a trial basis, the Schengen Approved Destination Status scheme visa will be added, thus allowing around 210,000 Chinese travellers a year travelling to the Schengen area on that visa to do so, via the UK, without an additional UK visa.
The airside transit visa fee will be reduced to ?30, making us cheaper for transit than any of our EEA counterparts.
Further streamlining with Schengen
We are taking steps to further align the process ofapplying for a UK visa with the Schengen visa process in China through thedevelopment of a “single Visa Application Centre visit” concept. This wouldenable customers who visit a UK application centre to submit both UK andSchengen visa applications at the same time. Customers will then receive theirdecisions back by courier avoiding the need to return to the applicationcentre.
This will require the support of the Chinesegovernment, the European Commission and the relevant Member State so it is acomplicated process, but we are moving towards a solution.
We have designed a technical process to do this andare in advanced talks with the authorities in China to secure the necessarypermissions, and European partners to encourage their participation in thisinnovative scheme.